
Trip Details

Start Time: 8:20 a.m.

Weather: Mostly sunny and little wind. High 91 degrees.

Location: Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma

Herpers: Mike Pingleton, Jeff LeClere, Jim Scharosch & Matt Ricklefs

Account by: Matt Ricklefs
Photos by: Matt Ricklefs

Thought of the Day: It's a long road home...

If you have followed the last few posts, this was our last day of the trip. We got up early to do a little herping in the area and to get an early start. We took some quick "in hand" pictures of a Garter Snake we found that had some interesting radix/sirtalis markings.

Our next find was an Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata) that we got some shots of and some shots of Mike taking pictures.

We also got pictures of a cool bird, the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Muscivoria forficate) which is actually the state bird of Oklahoma.

That was it. We headed home and stopped at some boards in Missouri that we stopped at one the way down and found the same Prairie Kingsnake. We decided to just let it be since it was still in shed and since we already had pictures. At my house we took a picture of Jim's odometer to show the mileage at 3,290 miles and Jim still had to get home.

We have logged a lot of miles this year so far and we plan to log some more in a never ending quest for herps. We are hoping to go where few have gone and boldly going where many have already turned a bunch of rocks...but that is another story. OK, that's pretty much our Kansas trip this year, but we'll have more stories so just go with it.

And of course, have a happy herpin' time!

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