
Trip Details

Location: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Weather: High of 86

Herpers: Dāv Kaufman, Jeff LeClere and Jim Scharosch

Account by: Jim Scharosch

Photos by: Jim Scharosch

Having found our La Paz target species, and not reallly wanting to go look for more of them, we decided to spend some time being tourists. We wandered the beach front in La Paz, picking up shells and visiting the shops. I didn't take a lot of photos.

Later in the day we went to El Serpentario de La Paz, the local reptile zoo.

Again, I didn't take a lot of photos, though I did take a shot of this really amazing Speckled Rattlesnake.

I would love to see one like that on the road at night.

Later that evening we headed out to cruise. We were looking forward to cruising since we had missed two nights due to the storm. We hoped the storm passing through would change our cruising luck and get the snakes moving. No such luck though.

Three plus hours of cruising turned up this young Baja California Rattlesnake (Crotalus enyo).

Later we found what would be (spoiler alert) the only non-venomous snake we would cruise on the entire trip, a Lyre Snake (Trimorphodon biscutatus).

Another slow night cruising.

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