Location: Linn County, Iowa
Weather: 55 degrees, light breeze
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Herpers: Don Becker and Jim Scharosch
Account by: Jim Scharosch
Photos by: Jim Scharosch
Don and I have been doing a site survey on a property in Linn County for a couple of years. Thus far it has only been a board survey, but this spring we decided to add a drift fence. Today was the day to install the fence and traps. We started out with checking half of the boards and turned up a Fox Snake (Pantherophis vulpinis).
Then we got going on putting the drift fence together.
Don's shovel gave it's all...
After we finished we turned up a Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) under the last of the boards on the way out.
It's going to be interesting to see what shows up in the traps this summer.