2-07 - Quintana Roo and Yucatan, Mexico
3-24-07 - Stoddard County, Missouri
3-25-07 - Obion and Lake Counties, Tennessee
3-26-07 - Lake County, Tennessee, Union County, Illinois
3-27-07 - Union County, Illinois
4-21-07 - Northwestern Missouri and Johnson County, Kansas
4-28-07 - Northeastern Missouri
4-29-07 - East-central Missouri
4-30-07 - East-central Missouri
5-6-07 - Alamakee County, Iowa
5-18-07 - Madison County, Iowa
5-20-07 - Jackson County, Iowa
5-21-07 - Jackson County, Iowa
5-26-07 - Iowa and Johnson Counties, Iowa
9-22-07 - Madison County, Iowa